Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Procrastinating is good for the vacation

Tom & I have the 7-year itch. It's been 7 years since we flew across the border to the turquoise blue sand-framed waters of Mexico. A lot happens in 7 years [i.e. Ben & Margie].

And it's been 7 months since we splurged on what has become the ultimate vacation of two surprisingly hip parents. We're headed to Cancun on the 5th!

So I've had 7 months to line up Ben & Margie sitting, swimsuit[s - one is NEVER enough], passports, packing...

But aside from assigning tender loving care of our kids to my awesome parents [who would come spend 5 days with them if we just wanted to hang out across the street] we've procrastinated, but I think it's good for a vacation [aside from the evils of attaining those freaking passports...].

So I've spent the last several days spending: time - and $$$ - preparing for said vacation I coulda prepared for long ago. But what's the fun in that? It's way more vacation-inducing to spend hours combing the racks for suitable suits [with a hint of smut], trial-sized everything [even little rolls of tp, in case we drink the water & can't find a loo], magazines galore, special treats for the kids when we're outta town, ground beef & pasta from Mom's gotta-have-it grocery list when they're here, perfect hair accessories & pedicures [thx auntie C].

In short, my procrasting has paid off - I've enjoyed every bit of last-minuting ALMOST as much as I'll enjoy every minute of r&r&pcs galore.

Viva Vacation!

[PS, I'll be pina-colada-ing on my bday, we'll be there over the 8th. Pretty sweet gifty!]

1 comment:

Danelle The PR Girl... said...

have a pina colata for me!
-ps- happy bday!