Saturday, July 28, 2007

Trauma on a Thursday

Ever since Margie inhabited my belly, I've experienced the sorrows of heartburn - ever so sporatically. It's gotten yucky as of late, but I'm no hyprocondriac, so I kept the worry at bay and tried to lay off the caffeine, etc.

It got the best of me on Thursday when I was gassing up in a hurry at the Kwik Shop post-playdate. My chest was so tight & my fingers so tingly, I had to second-guess my heartburn for heart trouble and Ben & Margie went w/me on my adventure - to the ER.

Flashers flashing, I drove as fast as I could on the shoulder of 435 to the Hospital. Taking what I thought were deep breaths & maintaining my composure. Who meets their maker at 3pm on a Thursday? Surely not me.

Long story short - I pulled up, Jeep reving, into the ER bay & asked an orderly on his cell phone [and break, I'm sure] to, well. HELP ME. I pulled the kids outta the car & Margie got a ride on the wheelchair & mommy.

Okay, I promised, short version. I have stupid GERD [i.e. Reflux Disease] and it can feel like a heart attack. And my tingly arms were a result of HYPERVENTILATING. Come on, don't crazy people hyperventilate? I'm not a crazy person.

So, now thanks to a little purple pill and a couple of sleepless nights - I'm on the mend. And I have high hopes that Nexium will block the acid from all of my favorite things: Dark Chocolate, Garlic, Onions, Alcohol, Spicy Stuff!

So don't bother wishing me well - I already got well soon.

Here's to a loooooooong acid-blocked life!


Danelle The PR Girl... said...

that is scary...
next time just let ben drive...
that would be waayy safer...
as long as he doesn't hit any sweet ramps.

Linsey said...

holy crap cuz, that's scary. I'm glad things turned out okey-dokey. Viva la purple pill!