Thursday, June 14, 2007

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a big part of our lives right now.

Margie's 1. When counting her little life in weeks, then months and settling on month 10 we went whole hog. Okay, whole cow. She's been on Vitamin D milk - the priciest of the moo and soy drinks in the dairy aisle - for nearly 3 months. And when we're out, we're in a panic. A Vitamin D induced panic. Someone must get their hands on Vitamin D fortified whole milk.

Or the world will end.I conqured on a Hy-Vee spree, and the Vitamin D is back in the fridge.

But it's summertime. Vitamin D isn't just in Margie's body - it's beating down on all of ours. And because of dear D, "the sunshine vitamin," we're in another state of panic. D brings on the SPF.

Today we transitioned from our tried-and-true, animal-friendly, botanical-fabulous Arbonne Baby SPF 30 to the more sophisticated spray Banana Boat [day-o] SPF 50 that is damn near guaranteed tear free.

Margie, Ben & I had a great day in D and SPF! The pool, the park, the yards of neighbors and our own. But she shed a tear.

I'm calling Banana Boat in the morning.

1 comment:

Danelle The PR Girl... said...


girl i love it.

i look forward to reading your blogs daily.

blog on sister.

blog on.